ENAV and partners complete SESAR Deployment Implementation Project - DLS Implementation Project - Path 2
Congratulations to the Italian ANSP ENAV and all involved partners for the completion of the SESAR deployment implementation project 2016_159_AF6 “DLS Implementation Project - Path 2”, which aims to define the technical aspects of the future DLS infrastructure target solution. This Implementation Project involved most European ANSPs, the two main Communication Services Providers, as well as the Airspace Users and manufacturing industries. It is one of the three IPs coordinated by DMS building the Data Link Services Recovery Plan. The completion of this SESAR deployment project brings benefits to European aviation, delivering an essential prerequisite towards business trajectory under SDP Family 6.1.3 - A.G. and G.G. Multi Frequency Data Link Network in defined European Service Areas.
(This photo was taken pre-COVID crisis)