Deployment of LARA System in Spain

The multistakeholder Project ims to deploy and install, at national level in Spain, a common civil-military Airspace management coordination system, called LARA (Local And sub-Regional ASM support system) interoperable with NM (Network Manager) and implement a civil-military performance monitoring system (PRISMIL).
LARA software package enables collaborative decision-making providing a common and real-time situational awareness to civil and military partners. Moreover, LARA system provides a user-friendly interface for online airspace reservations. The system enables the connection between Eurocontrol Network Manager, Air Traffic Control systems and neighbouring LARA systems allowing a seamless cross-border coordination among different States facilitating efficient cross border operations.
The data exchange is stored on a server and is easily retrievable for national statistics purposes on the use of airspace and for the purpose of the Pan-European Repository of Information Supporting Civil-Military Key Performance Indications (PRISMIL), which is a specific performance measurement tool.
This civil-military interoperability tool facilitates the Advanced-Flexible Use of Airspace (AFUA) sharing the Dynamic Areas information among all affected stakeholders and facilitating their efficient use with a tactical exploitation of the airspace. The AFUA concept aims at meeting all airspace users' needs through flexible airspace management, where airspace is not classified as military or civilian, but considered a national asset to be used flexibly.
This Project is part of a group of interrelated implementation initiatives, which are expected to conclude in December 2021. They will improve capacity, ATCO productivity and predictability in en-route operations. This will result in improved flight efficiency and, as a result, a positive environmental impact. When going operational, this group of Projects are expected to save 179 Million Euros until 2030.
A certain number of completed projects are highlighted as it was already possible to provide detailed information on specific benefits brought by these projects. In time, SESAR Deployment Manager will provide such detailed information for every completed project.
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2016
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
- Sub AF: S-AF 3.1 - Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace
- Progress Percentage: 100%