Acceleration of Aeronautical Digital Information Availability (ACADIA)

ACADIA (Acceleration of Aeronautical Digital Information Availability) is a multi-stakeholder project with more than 20 organizations partnering to ensure a timely and synchronised implementation of the Common Project One Regulation (CIR (EU) 2021/116) (CP1) in accordance with the deployment approach defined in the SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP). It addresses short-term implementation needs resulting from CP1 and the supporting SDP, particularly the implementation of the ATM Functionality ‘AF5 – System Wide Information Management (SWIM)’ sub-functionality on Aeronautical Information Exchange (SDP 5.3.1) that needs to be deployed by end of 2025. SWIM aims at the digitalisation of information exchanges across the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, enabling direct operational benefits by assuring the provision of quality information delivered to the right place at the right time.
SDP 5.3.1, Digital NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) and enabling aeronautical information services (such as: Aeronautical Information Features Exchange (AIFS) and Aerodrome Mapping service) will facilitate the efficient and timely synchronisation of aviation actors on changes to aeronautical facilities, services, procedures, or hazards. This improves the connectivity of European airports, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) and Network Manager (NM) with direct benefit to Airspace Users that receive more relevant and better-quality information based on automation and filtering capabilities.
The sharing of airspace structure and availability in real-time will contribute to a more efficient execution of the flight as information impacting the trajectory will be exchanged with high quality and accuracy, leading to potentially optimised trajectories. This will indirectly impact airspace capacity and flight execution leading to, however not quantifiable, higher predictability benefitting all aviation stakeholders, lower fuel consumption and therefore lower environmental impact.
The harmonised implementation of Digital NOTAM, Aeronautical Information Features Service, and Aerodrome mapping services via SWIM will bring the benefits of digitalisation to aeronautical information management. ACADIA will allow for a seamless aeronautical information access and interchange between all ATM stakeholders, no matter their geographical location, their civil or military nature, their role in the provision of Air Navigation Services, the system they are using or the manufacturer that produced their systems. The interoperability brought by SWIM to ATM systems brings the possibility to connect to other transport modes and brings a truly level playing field, enabling potential new entrants to the market to compete based on what they can offer to the public, rather than based on differences in the local or regional ATM operational environment.
This project has the initial objective of enabling that aeronautical information becomes available in a digital form, also ensuring an increased level of interoperability and quality assurance. Notably local Aeronautical Information Service Provider (AISP), airport and ANSP systems, and European AIS Database (EAD) are expected to undergo digitalisation and data completeness efforts to meet the expectations of CP1 in support of AF 3.1.1 and as intermediary step towards the implementation of AF 5.3.1 SWIM Services. Data originators (e.g., Airports) contributing to the provision of aeronautical information are also in the scope of this project that aims to bring the benefits of digitalisation and automation to the data chain.
This project has an additional objective of exchanging aeronautical information in conformance with applicable SWIM specifications. In this context, AISPs, airports and ANSPs are required by CP1 to provide and/or consume AIFS, aerodrome mapping and digital NOTAM services. EAD is also required by CP1 to implement SWIM services as specified in AF 5.3.1, in support of AF3 flexible use of airspace and free route management. AISPs may benefit from the SWIM capabilities of EAD to fulfil the expectations of CP1 AF 5.3.1 for the provision of AIFS, Aerodrome Mapping and Digital NOTAM services. The provision and consumption of these services by stakeholders as mandated in CP1 (AISPs, ANSPs, airports) is an integral part of the project. This second objective of the project is fully dependent on the initial objective that ensures aeronautical data is in a digital form and available in EAD based on the contributions of local data from AIS systems, airports and ANSPs. To meet these objectives, processes, and tools, including those already established, will be developed and/or procured to accelerate the digitalisation of aeronautical information and the provision of SWIM AIM services.
Expected results/benefits:
By Q2, 2025: (a) AISPs, airports and ANSPs will have an increased level of digitalisation with more aeronautical information available in digital form. This supports stakeholders in the fulfilment of applicable requirements in AF5.3.1; (b) Airports, AISPs and ANSPs will provide and consume SWIM AIM services as mandated by CP1 AF5.3.1; (c) EAD will have an increased level of digitalisation with more aeronautical information available in digital form. This enables EAD to fulfil the applicable requirements of AF 3.1.1 in terms of availability of information; (d) EAD and local systems will have enhanced interfaces to facilitate the exchange of information via SWIM services. This enables EAD and those AISPs who wish so to use EAD to fulfil the applicable requirements of AF5.3.1.
The participants in this Implementation Project will contribute to the following “Subtasks”:
- Subtask T0 – Project Coordination (only covered by EUROCONTROL as Project Leader)
- Subtask T1 – Local Digitalization
- Subtask T2A - Automated exchange via EAD B2B
- Subtask T2B - Digitalization via EAD HMI
- Subtask T3A - EAD SWIM Service Provision
- Subtask T3B - Local SWIM Service Provision
- Subtask T4 - SWIM Service Consumption
Additional Information
- Project Type: Network ManagerAirportAir Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2022
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF5 - Initial System Wide Information Management
- Sub AF: S-AF 5.3 - Aeronautical information exchange
- Progress Percentage: 44%