
Local traffic complexity management


Apr. '18CompletedDec. '21

Implementing Partners

Leader: Pansa


The main objective is to introduce a new technology to monitor, manage and evaluate information processed through all the ATFCM phases by the open, modular and extensive tool. The tool itself will be deployed by PANSA to integrate data transfer and processing with the Network Manager and other operational stakeholders.
In accordance with the PCP Implementing Regulation (EU 716/2014) and the Deployment Programme, ATM Functionality # 4 (Network Collaborative Management), including the Project Family 4.4.2 (Traffic Complexity tools), is required to be deployed in the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN).
Also, in the subsequent versions of the Deployment Programme, as concerns the Project Family 4.4.2, PANSA/Poland has been indicated as investment gaps, meaning, that the Traffic Complexity tool is still required to be deployed by PANSA/Poland. The end of the project extends Full Operational Capability date for 4.4.2 family; however implementation of TCT (Traffic Complexity Tool) for Polish part is foreseen to be completed in 2019 in line with the FOC (Full Operational Capability) date for Poland. In 2022 the project will consist on coordination work between PANSA and different stakeholders, in particular NM, AUs and MIL, airport operators/slot coordinator through collaborative decision-making processes.
The traffic complexity tools continuously monitor sector demand and evaluate traffic complexity (by applying predefined complexity metrics) according to a predetermined qualitative scale. The predicted complexity coupled with traffic demand enables ATFCM to take timely action to adjust capacity or request the traffic profile changes in coordination with ATC and airspace users (AUs).
The "Local traffic complexity management” project implemented by PANSA is an instrument for automated and dynamic traffic forecasting and sectorisation planning that will provide support to local ATFCM and ATS units in the execution of tasks in order to enable efficient planning of capacity and staffing at PANSA. The Implemeting Project will enable to run fast-time simulations that in turn will develop optimised sectorisation scenarios in terms of capacity parameters and ATCOs resources needs. The Implementation Project will enable coordination between PANSA and different stakeholders, in particular NM, AUs and military, airport operators/slot coordinator through collaborative decision-making processes.
Also, since the eastern part of the EU airspace is exposed to eastward out-of-area traffic from non-IFPS (Initial Flight Plan Processing System) States (e.g. Russia) and traffic volatility due to instability in the region, this Implementation Project will increase traffic predictability thus contributing to delays reduction for the entire European Network.
The Implementation Project is composed of four modules:
• The FMP / ACC module: This module will support the currently used CHMI (Collaboration Human Machine Interface) by delivering the full CHMI functionality expanded with many new options. The system will be used for all the ATFCM phases: strategic, pre-tactical, tactical and postoperative. During the tactical phase, this tool is intended to assist in the dynamic sector and capacity management. In the strategic and pre-tactical phase, the system will allow to precisely plan the day of operation and prepare for special events. In the post-operative phase, the tool will be used for all analyses and reports.
• ACC module: The Implementation Project will provide for fast-time simulation (FTS) that can be used to airspace improvements on strategic level.
• APP (Approach): The Implementation Project will provide for a simulation tool to identify and test the possible modifications of the TMA airspace in terms of: airspace structure and procedures as well as workload of air traffic controllers.
• TWR (Tower):
The Implementation Project will provide for an IT solution that can provide either fast-time simulation which can be used to look solely at airport infrastructure improvements, either run modelling of schedule as well to show indicative delays across an operational season. The idea is to verify possibility of planned schedules execution, look at infrastructure changes and their impacts/improvements as well as to devise daily operational plans. In-build module containing weather information that creates predicted traffic outputs with high degree of accuracy will be implemented. As concerns post-operative utilisation, the project will use past operations for the purposes of traffic complexity and overload situations prediction in order to develop mitigation actions to be applied at local and/or Network level.

Specific objectives:

The IP specifically aims to:
1. deploy a Traffic Complexity Tool and procedures aimed at continuous monitoring of traffic demand and evaluation of traffic complexity in Warsaw ACC, required under the PCP IR (EU 716/2014).
2. provide an automated and dynamic traffic forecasting and sectorisation planning concerning particular tactical adjustments for efficient planning of the capacity and staffing at the Warsaw ACC, with the use of periodical fast-time "what-if" simulations for optimised sectorisation and ATSU (Air Traffic Services Unit) resources planning, based on capacity parameters such as controllers' workload and sector occupancy.
3. enable integration with the Network Manager, including Collaborative Traffic Management, airport planning, Flexible Use of Airspace and neighbouring FMPs for the planning optimisation.
4. provide mitigation measures, when needed, for unexpected increase of traffic volume/workload.
5. enable an early deployment, in coordination with the Network Manager, of the revised Network Function Implementing Rule (Commission Regulation (EU) 677/2011) requirements.


The Implementation Project consists of the following tasks:
• Task 01 - Project management: Management of the project, project documentation and reporting.
• Task 02 - Specification of the TCT system, procurement process and contract award for the TCT for Warsaw: Procurement process, contract award and delivery.
• Task 03 - Installation and deployment of the TCT in Warsaw: Technical installation, FIR EPWW (Flight Information Region Warsaw) airspace modelling and full deployment of the airspace model in the Warsaw TCT (procedures; training; approvals, start of operation).
• Task 04 - Cooperation process with Network Manager: Agreement with the Network Manager on interfacing of the Warsaw TCT with the NM ETFMS.
• Task 06 - Cooperation with stackeholders: Agreement with the major airports and airlines on using the B2B connections with the local ATFCM – under the assumption of revised share of ATFCM tasks between the NM.

Expected Results:

• airspace capacity is increased ;
• number of delays and congestions is reduced in controlled airspace and aerodromes;
• Traffic Flow Management (tactical workload measurement) is more effective;
• ATCOs resources are optimised;
• ATC safety is improved (incidents reduction);
• service quality is improved;
• cost of airspace optimisation is reduced (Fast Time Simulation);
• with better traffic forecasts, overload situations are significantly reduced thus contributing to safety improvement.

Internal Achievements Points:

• Start of training - 31/03/2019
• End of training - 31/07/2019
• Parallel Operations / Operational Trials - 30/09/2019
• Cutover SW ready and successfully tested - 30/09/2019
• Cutover and fall-back period completed - 30/09/2019

Contractual Milestone:

• Project completed - 31/12/2022

Performance Benefits:

It is expected that the project will bring the largest performance benefits in terms of capacity increase and reduction of delays both in en-route and terminal traffic. This assumption is based on on-going ECTL/NM simulations, in particular on already developed simulations concerning implementation projects submitted and awarded in the framework of 2014 and 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals. The project will contribute to ATFM en-route delays saving (CAP5 - Capacity KPI) and ATFM (TMA part) delays saving (CAP4).
As concerns indirect impact, the project will contribute to the following KPAs (Key Performance Areas):
• Safety: The project will enable more precise traffic forecasting leading to a significant reduction of overload situations and having positive impact on improved safety. The project will reduce operational human errors.
• Predictability: The project will enable more precise traffic forecasting and traffic predictability that will have positive impact on capacity increase and delay reduction in both en-route and terminal operations. Improved predictability is a consequence of better capacity utilisation. This improvement is mainly related to improved trajectory and network complexity assessment.
• Flight efficiency: Reduced flight times and delays due to improved trajectory and network complexity assessment.
• Cost efficiency: Increased ATCO productivity due to better allocation of resources to traffic thanks to traffic complexity assessment and EFD (Electronic Flight Display) messages.
In conclusion, the project by PANSA will significantly reduce overload situations and will contribute to a reduction of traffic congestion. By increasing traffic predictability and by making traffic flow smooth and orderly, in particular coming from non-IFPS states, the project will have positive impact on the whole European ATM Network and air traffic flow management. By ensuring that traffic flows are more predictable, the project will contribute to safety improvement and improved service quality for PANSA customers (Airspace Users). As the project is to increase airspace capacity and to reduce delays, the ultimate beneficiaries of the project will be Airspace Users and passengers.

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
  • CEF Call Year: 2017
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: Yes
  • Main AF: AF4 - Network Collaborative Management
  • Sub AF: S-AF 4.4 - Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment
  • Progress Percentage: 100%