
NM Systems upgrades in support of FRA


May. '18CompletedDec. '21

Implementing Partners



The main objective of the Implementing Project is to continue work performed by NM in IP #81AF3 (Action 2014-EU-TM-0136-M) and 2015_107_AF3 (Action 2015-EU-TM-0196-M) that consist of NM responsibilities towards ensuring FRA (Free Route Airspace) implementation across ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) as described in PCP Sub-AF 3.2 Free Route.
This Implementing Project is a key contributor to the following Strategic Objectives (SO) listed in the Network Strategy Plan (NSP) as: SO 3/1 (Deploy full free route airspace throughout the European ATM network, to the maximum extent possible) and SO 3/4 (Coordinate the development and implementation of airspace design and airspace management improvements to achieve the flight efficiency targets and ensure appropriate network connectivity and coordination).
This will lead to achieving the Network Strategic Plan (NSP) and PCP objective to implement full FRA cross border implementation in areas where all conditions are met.

Specific objectives:
This IP specifically aims to

  • continue and and finalise the implementation / deployment of NM Systems upgrades related to Family 3.2.1 - Upgrade of ATM systems (NM, ANSPs, AUs) to support Free Routing Airspace (FRA). This objective concerns Task 2, particularly continuing the work performed in CEF 2015 project 2015_107_AF3 that will stop by the end of 2020 with NM system release 24.5. Task 2 will cover release 25 and 25.5 -with identification of implementation items for release 25 / 25.5 expected in March 2020-.

  • facilitate ANSPs' FRA deployment in supporting the harmonisation and adaptation of FRA enablers as needed by implementing ANSPs (e.g. operational procedures, airspace design...). This objective concerns Task 3 particularly continuing and extending the work performed in CEF 2014 project #81AF3 which was completed in June 2017.

Expected Results:

  • Evolutions and fine tuning of NM systems are implemented and deployed to accommodate cross-border FRA implementation across ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) at a final stage through deployement NM System releases 25 and 25.5.
    In particular, expected improvements concern Cross border related implementation, e.g.:

  • Flight Plan Border Checking Improvement

  • Traffic Volume (TV) / Regulation Service (RS) Merge

  • Cross border AUA time-dependent sectorisation.

NM is expected to facilitate ANSPs' FRA deployment with supporting the harmonisation and adaptation of different FRA enablers as needed by implementing ANSPs, e.g.:
operational procedures;
AIS publication;
Checklists of Free Route Airspace Implementation Actions, as described in the NOP/ERNIP;
Airspace design, ASM / ATFCM related processes.

Performance Benefits:
From historical trends since 2008 and improvements as measured with flight efficiency KPI, the yearly Nautical Miles saving expected by the progressive AF3 implementation is at least four Millions Nautical Miles. NM simulations have allocated those benefits to each AF3 project and Nautical Mile savings have been monetised according to standard parameters derived from post operation data. Approximately € 20 millions of undiscounted benefits can be attributed to this project."

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Network Manager
  • CEF Call Year: 2017
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: No
  • Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
  • Sub AF: S-AF 3.2 Free Route
  • Progress Percentage: 100%