
Implementation of rolling ASM/ATFCM


Jan. '20CompletedDec. '22

Implementing Partners

Air France
Contributor: Air France
Contributor: CAE
Lufthansa Group
Contributor: Lufthansa Group


This project is a key contributor to the following Strategic Objectives (SO) listed in the Network Strategy Plan (NSP) as: SO 3/2 Implement Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace SO 3/3 Implement appropriate cross-border airspace structures, enabling a flexible use of airspace.

This implementation project is the continuation of the CEF2016 IP, 2016_134_AF3 Implementation of rolling ASM/ATFCM through which the partners will have already implemented partly Family 3.1.3.

Although some partners have experienced some delays in project 2016_134_AF3, this is only related to the definition / requirements phase and shall not impact on the final scope / implementation results of this IP.

The Network Manager main objective will be the finalisation the technical implementation and deployment in NM Systems of the changes related to PCP Family 3.1.3 - Full rolling ASM-ATFCM process and ASM information sharing (see specific objectives below) This implementation will be performed through depployment of NM System releases 25 and 25.5 (while CEF2016 IP, 2016_134_AF3 will stop by release 24.5).
Furthermore two CFSPs (Computer Flight-planning Service Providers) (Sabre Austria GmbH and Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG), will continue updating their Systems to support the Rolling ASM/ATFCM process implemented by NM –in alignment with NM planning of releases-.
SABRE Austria contribution will be supported by Sabre`s affiliated entities. Sabre Germany and Sabre France will contribute to the task 1 (Project Management) and Sabre Polska will contribute to the task 4 (Sabre implementation).

Lufthansa Group airlines will upgrade their OCC systems and required cockpit interfaces to allow implementing the Rolling ASM/ATFCM process.

To allow for a clear distinction between the Systems’ versions implemented through CEF2016 IP (2016_134_AF3) and the Systems’ version subsequently implemented through this IP (2017_053_AF3), NM, Sabre, Lufthansa Systems and Lufthansa Group will organise for a robust requirements and implementation management process. It will allow to clearly identify the different implementation items per different Systems’ versions (hence IPs) and to make sure effort / costs can be traced and allocated to that level without any redundancy.

In a continued implementation process, the start of the implementation of a new release -i.e. the identification of concerned business requirements and development of detailed specification- is always happening quite some time before the finalisation of the implementation of a previous version. This is the reason for the overlap in time between 2016_134_AF3 and 2017_053_AF3 (this IP).

Specific objectives:
The IP specifically aims to

  • Upgrade NM system related to the final steps of the implementation of the full rolling ASM/ATFCM process, i.e.:

  • improvement of the capability to perform network impact assessment, including FRA operations (implementation items referred to as “Process ASM scenarios”, “Process UUP changes” in the current NM ASM technical operational / roadmaps),

  • the improvement of the automation of the CDM process with involved stakeholder for the finalisation of ""optimum"" airspace (e.g. “Draft UUP to AOs” – still to be discussed / refined in the NM-Stakeholders ASM Working Group-)

  • consideration of full management of real time airspace data (implementing item still to be agreed in the NM-Stakeholders ASM Working Group).

  • Implement Procedural changes in NM related to full rolling ASM/ATFCM process

  • Upgrade SABRE System solution in coherence with rolling ASM/ATFCM process

  • Upgrade Lufthansa Systems Lido/Flight and NetLine/Ops software in coherence with the rolling ASM/ATFCM process and the NM releases (this includes data provision (including implementation of available B2B services) and applications using the data).
    Major developments at Lufthansa Systems will include novel Slot Management to adapt to the expected high dynamic regulations in dependency to the flexible airspace usage publications. It is expected, that due do traffic hotspots, volatile airspace status within free route environment and corresponding flight route changes, the regulations from Network Manager / local ATC will be more challenging to identify best flight route efficiency for single flight events and at the same time for the whole airline operation. The Slot Management within a Flight Operation Centre at Lufthansa provided by Lufthansa needs to be enriched with integrated functionalities for flight planning and operations control. Objective will be the most efficient delay cost management including flight preferences based on the User Driven Priority Process (UDPP). Overall it is envisaged to ensure the best usage of “flight efficiency opportunities” based on the airspace status environment. All required B2B Services will be integrated into affected airline systems ( flight planning, operations control, …) This will also include B2B services for ATM information offered by NM. Consequently Lufthansa Systems will further develop their systems to the core developments from the NM releases related to ASM aspects ( e.g. Scenario Repository, ...)

  • Have airlines participating in the description of the CFSPs' Systems requirements as relevant to their usage and in the validation / deployment of the CFSPs' Systems of their interest.

  • Business process management and management-of-change to allow procedural adaptions in the complex operational environment

  • Upgrade of Lufthansa Group airlines OCC systems and required cockpit interfaces to allow implementing the Rolling ASM/ATFCM process

Expected Results:
This Implementation Project aims at NM (Network Manager) system upgrades and procedural changes pertinent to completing in NM System releases 25 and 25.5 the process/system upgrades supporting a full rolling ASM/ATFCM (Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management) and dynamic ASM/ATFCM process allowing data sharing to all operational stakeholders. These NM systems releases will be deployed operationally and allow NM to receive, exploit/process data from the relevant/appropriate source(s).
Furthermore two CFSPs (Sabre Austria GmbH and Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG) will update their systems to support the Rolling ASM/ATFCM process implemented by NM.
Sabre will prepare material for later industrial deployment of its system for use by/for potential customer Airspace Users.
Lufthansa Systems and participating Airspace Users (Société Air France, Deutsche Lufthansa AG) will cooperate to validate / deploy the Lufthansa Systems Lido/Flight System, which will be upgraded (together with Lufthansa Systems NetLine/Ops) in the course of this project by Lufthansa Systems and Lufthansa Systems Poland.
Lufthansa Group airlines will upgrade their OCC systems to allow implementing the full rolling ASM ATCM and ASM information sharing business processes in LH Group Airlines OCCs. This will ensure the most optima flight operations at Lufthansa within the increasing complexity of ATM including on the one side the challenges of dynamic flight adaptations due ATCFM measures (ASM) and on the other side the upfront CMD processes defined within TBO.

Performance Benefits:
The project delivers reduction in flight time and fuel consumption for increased awareness of available shortest routes. Similarly, the project enables increase in ATC capacity utilisation due to increased awareness of available routing to GAT (General Air Traffic) and improved LIDO/SABRE operational capability to avoid most penalising regulations.
Based on previous CBAs (IP 2016_134_AF3, Action 2016-EU-TM-0117-M), the implementing project is expected to deliver additional benefits of about € 30 million undiscounted, under the assumption that all stakeholders deploy the PCP as mandated in PCP regulation."

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Network Manager
  • CEF Call Year: 2017
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: Yes
  • Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
  • Sub AF: S-AF 3.1 - Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace
  • Progress Percentage: 100%