
Procurement and Deployment of PCP Air Traffic Control System iCAS at DFS Munich and Bremen and LVNL Amsterdam


Apr. '18OngoingDec. '26

Implementing Partners

Leader: DFS
Contributor: LVNL


The iCAS programme objective is to procure and deploy a state-of-the-art, harmonised and interoperable air traffic control system which will be rolled out at all DFS and LVNL control centres. iCAS is a significant functional evolution to the current DFS ATS systems P1/ATCAS and P1/VAFORIT and the LVNL ATS system AAA. iCAS features a 4D-trajectory and is designed to provide ATC services within the entire airspace of Germany and the Netherlands including all lower and upper control centre sectors (except in airspace controlled by EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC). iCAS will be used as a fully integrated civil / military ATS system, thus enabling a more ""advanced and flexible use of the airspace"" (A-FUA) for both civil and military purposes. In addition, iCAS will be used to control and safely guide more than three million flights carrying over 450 million passengers flying through European core airspace per year. The key iCAS components Flight Data Processor, Controller Working Position and Middleware are developed in the iTEC Collaboration together with a total of 7 ANSPs thus enabling a cost efficient procurement as well as ensuring an interoperable system in line with the strategic goals of the Single European Sky (EU No. 552/2004 and EU No. 1070/2009). iCAS will enable the introduction of future operational concepts which are based on 4D-trajectory information and which aim to move from today’s tactical ATM operations towards increasingly strategic ATM operations.
iCAS procurement and deployment is planned in an iterative 2-step approach called iCAS Phase I (iCAS-I) and iCAS Phase II (iCAS-II).
iCAS-I: Deployment of iCAS at Karlsruhe Control Center
Successful deployment at the DFS' Control Center Karlsruhe is achieved already (funded under Action 2015-EU-TM-0196-M, IP 2015_190_AF3). The roll out planning of iCAS-II at Karlsruhe is part of this Action.
iCAS-II adds all necessary functions to the iCAS-I system to support ATC services in lower en-route and Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) and to enable the transition between free route airspace and low en-route and terminal airspace operations including the integration with their associated TMAs and Extended Arrival Management systems. iCAS will be connected to the major hub airports of Berlin International Airport, Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport, Munich International Airport, Frankfurt International Airport and Düsseldorf International Airport.
iCAS is an important contribution to DFS' and LVNL's ability to achieve the implementation of numerous Families of the Deployment Programme of the SESAR Deployment Manager. Given the number of control centres and their associated airspace within core / central Europe involved, iCAS is understood as a major deployment and contributing project to the European implementation of EU Implementing Regulation 716/2014.The key iCAS components Flight Data Processor, Controller Working Position and Middleware will be deployed into all ACCs of the iTEC ANSPs AVINOR, DFS, ENAIRE, LVNL, NATS, ORO Navigacia and PANSA making a total of 14 control centers with their associated airspace.
iCAS System procurement and Deployment is currently executed by two DFS/LVNL projects that are already part of the SESAR Deployment Programme:

  1. The “System Procurement for Deployment of PCP Air Traffic Control System iCAS at DFS and LVNL” (project designator: 2016_026_AF3).

  2. The “Deployment of Air Traffic Control System iCAS: Implementation of ATM PCP Functionalities at LVNL and DFS” (project designator: 2015_190_AF3).
    These two projects cover iCAS activities until the end of 2020. The current new project will complement these projects by covering iCAS deployment activities up from 2021 without any duplication. There is also no duplication with the DFS Free Route project 2015_189_AF3 because the scope of that project is a deployment of free route airspace structures and free route operational procedures independent from the iCAS programme.

Specific objectives:
This IP specifically aims to achieve the complete deployment of the iCAS-II system at the Amsterdam, Bremen and Munich Control Centres by executing all necessary activities during the years 2021-2023. All 3 Control Centres are scheduled to start operational service based on iCAS-II before the PCP mandated date of 1st. January 2022. All activities after that mandated date are needed to complete the deployment process by decommissioning the old ATC systems. The project also includes the planning for rolling out iCAS-II at the DFS control centre Karlsruhe.
Note: The operational transition towards iCAS based operations is different for DFS and LVNL. Main difference is that LVNL ATCOs work already today without paper strips or electronic strips. One consequence from this is that the LVNL ATCOs require less iCAS training than the DFS ATCOs.

Expected Results:
Main achievement of this project will be to enter into iCAS operational service in the control centres of Amsterdam and Bremen. iCAS-I and iCAS-II achieve a synchronised implementation of the following families from the SESAR Deployment Programme above and below FL310:

  1. 3.2.1 ATM systems (NM, ANSPs, AUs) are upgraded to support Direct Routings (DCTs) and Free Route Airspace;

  2. 3.1.2 ASM Management of Real Time Airspace Data is implemented;

  3. 3.1.4 Management of Dynamic Airspace Configuration is implemented;

  4. 3.2.3 Published Direct Routings are implemented;

  5. 3.2.4 Free Route is implemented;

  6. 1.1.2 AMAN is upgraded to include Extended Horizon function;

  7. 1.2.3 RNP1 Operations are implemented in high density TMAs (ground capabilities);

  8. 1.2.5 RNP routes connecting Free Route Airspace (FRA) with TMA are implemented;

  9. 4.2.3 Interface ATM Systems to NM Systems are implemented;

  10. 4.4.2 Traffic Complexity Tools are implemented.

Note: In order to keep the deadline for Family 3.2.1, all 3 Control Centres are scheduled to start operational service based on iCAS-II before 1st January 2022. All activities after that mandated date are needed to complete the deployment process by decommissioning the old ATC systems.

Performance Benefits:
iCAS will have a positive impact on several Key Performance Areas as follows:

  • Safety: Advanced conflict management tools will increase situational awareness of potential conflicts.

  • Capacity: iCAS will enable free route operational concepts providing more flexibility for management and execution of FABEC (Functional Airspace Block Europe Central) air traffic.

  • Cost Effectiveness: Common iTEC development of Key iCAS components will improve cost efficiency.

  • Flexibility: Advanced tools that are based on 4D-trajectories will achieve better system performance providing options to handle traffic more pro-actively.

  • Productivity: Increased system support and advanced tools will free the ATCOs from routine tasks providing gains in productivity.

  • Flight Efficiency: The above performance benefits will enable improve flight efficiency regarding time and fuel consumption.
    In the long run, the implementation of iCAS-III version (not part of this Action) will add functionalities from PCP AF5 and AF6 to enable the use of iSWIM and initial 4D trajectory services in operational service. iCAS-III will build on iCAS-II which makes iCAS-II a critical enabler for PCP AF5 and AF6 deployments. Specifically iCAS-III will in addition deploy the following Families of the DP 2017:

  1. 2.3.1 Time Based Separation;

  2. 5.1.2 Future PENS;

  3. 5.3.1 Upgrade/Implement Aeronautical Information Exchange System / Service;

  4. 5.4.1 Upgrade/Implement Meteorological Information Exchange System / Service;

  5. 5.5.1 Upgrade/Implement Cooperative Network Information Exchange System / Service;

  6. 5.6.1 Upgrade/Implement Flights Information Exchange System/Service supported by
    Yellow Profile;

  7. 6.1.1 ATN (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network) B1 based services in ATSP domain."

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
  • CEF Call Year: 2017
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: Yes
  • Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
  • Sub AF: S-AF 3.2 Free Route
  • Progress Percentage: 56%