ENAV Implementation of A-SMGCS Level 1 and 2 with Safety Nets in MXP and FCO

At global level, the Project aims at implementing full A-SMGCS (Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems) Level 2 with safety Nets in Milano Malpensa (MXP) and Roma Fiumicino (FCO) airports.
This implementation Project is a continuation of the #064AF2 project under the CEF-call 2014 (Action 2014 EU TM 0136 M), which focuses on the implementation of technical enablers paving the way for the level 2 A-SMGCS in Milan Malpensa and Rome Fiumicino. For the present project, the substitution of one SMR (Surface Movement Radar) at each airport (additional to the activities in #064AF2) and the extension of MLAT (Multilateration system) coverage, with a new MSF (MultiSensor Fusion) at Rome FCO are foreseen.
Additionally, a new tower architecture system (NAT Phase 2) will be integrated with airport safety nets related to A-SMGCS Level 2.
The Implementation Project includes the installation of the ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) transponders in all the vehicles circulating in the manoeuvring areas of the two airports involved.
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2016
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF2 - Airport Integration and Throughput
- Sub AF: S-AF 2.2 Departure Management integrating Surface Management Constraints
- Progress Percentage: 96%