
VCS-IP - Upgrade of Voice Communication Systems to support ATM VoIP communications


Mar. '17CompletedDec. '22

Implementing Partners

Croatia Control
Leader: Croatia Control


The Implementation Project aim to:

  • Upgrade of all CCL´s main and backup Voice Communiction Systems (VCS) to comply with EUROCAE ATM Voice over IP (VoIP) standards as a prerequsite for implementation of PCP AF3 Flexible Airspace Management (ASM) and Free Route

  • Carry out a Safety Assessment of the upgraded CCL´s main and backup Voice Communiction Systems (VCSS).

In the course of this Implementation Project, all main, backup and simulator VCS will be upgraded to allow Internet Protocol (IP) based connectivity in Ground/Ground (G/G) and Air/Ground (A/G) voice communication domain. Voice Communication Systems procured in period 2012-14. can be upgraded to VoIP by changing system software release followed by replacement of monitoring and control subsystem and integration of additional VoIP hardware. Following systems will be upgraded as described:

  • Main VCS Zagreb Area Control Cenre (ACC),

  • Main and backup VCS for Split terminal area,

  • Main and backup VCS Pula terminal area,

  • Main and backup VCS Dubrovnik terminal area,

  • Main and backup VCS Zadar terminal area,

  • main VCS Zagreb TWR,

  • simulator VCS.

Back Voice Communication System (BVCS) Zagreb ACC is a system of an older generation and can only be extended by additional media gateway (MGW) to mediate between BVCS legacy type of interfaces and IP network. During integration and site acceptance testing, existing and new system functions shall be validated. Upgraded systems will provide telephone connectivity with VoIP compliant VCSs and an easy integration of all IP-based VHF/UHF radios needed for the management of dynamic airspace configuration. The implementation of VoIP will enable the introduction of dynamic sector delegation between Air Traffic Control centers thus increasing the number of sector configurations provided from every ATC centre depending on the traffic demand. More direct routes available due to flexible use of airspace will directly reduce fuel burn and emission of carbon. Decrease of maintenance cost is also expected after implementation of the whole IP concept.

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
  • CEF Call Year: 2016
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: No
  • Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
  • Sub AF: S-AF 3.1 - Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace
  • Progress Percentage: 94%