European Deployment Roadmap for Flight Object Interoperability

A European roadmap for the deployment of Flight Object (FO) interoperable ATM systems taking into consideration planned industrialisation activities is strongly needed to achieve a timely, synchronised and coordinated deployment across Europe.
The main objective of this Implementation Project is to identify, agree, and commit to essential and critical aspects required for a successful FO deployment in Europe. The project shall implement the deployment objectives and targets from the roadmap under the framework of the SESAR Deployment Manager to the SESAR Deployment Programme (DP) aiming at further elaborating and detailing DP Family 5.6.2. Therefore, the results of the Implementation Project shall anticipate the specific deployment timelines for each concerned stakeholder. As a result, the roadmap will enable synchronised deployment taking care of the various dependencies between partners and with external developments.
The scope of the roadmap planning comprises two main activities to be encompassed. To upgrade Family 5.6.2 from medium to high maturity, it is very important to achieve the synchronisation of FO IOP (Flight Object Interoperability) industrialisation activities which are to be developed in the short term (e.g. SESAR 2020 FO IOP Validation, EUROCAE ED- 133 review). A second set of activities are associated with FO IOP deployment. These deployment activities are per se bound by the readiness of FO IOP implementation activities and are especially complex to plan with the required synchronisation from the partners.
Therefore, several planning dimensions must be taken into consideration, such as:
time schedules of each contributor, including common and synchronisation milestones (e.g. common integration and test activities) to be performed collaboratively,
external dependencies (see 'Interdependencies'), with special focus on those related to the SESAR Joint Undertaking (i.e. SESAR 2020 PJ18 and PJ27), the EUROCAE Working Group 59 and the evolution of the developments in SWIM Common Components (i.e. S-AF 5.1 and S-AF 5.2 of the DP),
an agreed functional requirement baseline supporting seamless coordination deployment and taking consideration of individual technical and operational constraints,
a governance structure to support the organisation of common projects, o the role of the roadmap inside the SESAR Deployment Programme.
A successful deployment of FO IOP will depend upon the deployment of a SWIM infrastructure as a prerequisite. Such infrastructure comprises a network environment (e.g. New PENS) and components such as a SWIM Governance, a SWIM Registry and a SWIM Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
EUROCONTROL, NATS and Croatia Control will contribute to the project but will not receive any CEF funding support.
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2016
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF5 - Initial System Wide Information Management
- Sub AF: S-AF 5.6 - Flight information exchange
- Progress Percentage: 100%