Deployment of next Generation and VoIP Capable Centre Voice Communication System
Deploy a new state-of-the-art Voice-over-IP capable Voice Communication System as a technical prerequisite in line with the Interoperability IR (EU No. 552/2004 incl. its amendment by EU No. 1070/2009) for the implementation of dynamic airspace configurations as well as implementing EUROCAE Standard ED-137. To enable the introduction of advanced operational concepts of the PCP (EU No. 716/2014) for flexible airspace management and dynamic airspace management to enable a higher cost effectives of the air navigation service provision for airspace users and to increase operational performance. The deployment project will contribute (enabler project) to closing the Gap for Family 3.1.4 identified by the SESAR Deployment Manager within the Deployment Programme 2015. The dedicated deployment objectives of the technical prerequisites are:
Deployment of Primary Voice-Communication Systen (VCS) for ACC Bremen
Deployment of a last-resort VCS for ACC Munich and renewing of related radio sites
Deployment of a last-resort VCS for ACC Bremen and renewing of related radio sites
Deployment of a last-resort VCS for UAC Karlsruhe and renewing of related radio sites
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2015
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: No
- Main AF: AF3 - Flexible ASM and Free Route
- Sub AF: S-AF 3.1 - Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace
- Progress Percentage: 100%