SESAR Related Airport Deployment Grouping (SDAG)
The SESAR-related Deployment Airport Grouping (SDAG) European Economic Interest Group includes a group of 25 airports from among those represented by Airports Council International Europe (ACI EUROPE) and that are in the scope of the Common Project 1.
SDAG is committed to ensuring that airports implement enhancements that deliver performance improvement and make the necessary investment; to safeguarding that technologies and procedures have proven benefit; and to delivering coordinated deployment together with air navigation service providers and airlines to allow for rapid return on investment.

-1 projects
the European Union
The deployment of SESAR is a synchronised European effort by civil and military airports, air navigation service providers, airlines, agencies, and manufacturers to modernise air traffic. This effort translates in 299 of 348 modernisation projects already in operation bringing tangible benefits to European ATM