World ATM Congress Deployment slides available here
Tuesday 7 March
High-quality data communications capabilities in the form of the datalink technology are essential enablers for the modernisation of air traf c control and to achieve SESAR performance bene ts. The current implementation did not provide the expected results and some studies were conducted to investigate the issues, the last and most relevant is the so-called ELSA study performed under SESAR JU coordination. On the basis of the ELSA study, the SESAR DM developed the DP 2016 DLS Deployment Strategy and the DLS Recovery Plan: a fully consulted roadmap, published on DG MOVE website, guiding content and timewise the full and effective DLS deployment in Europe. In addition, on 18 November the SESAR Deployment Manager received by the European Commission the mandate as Data Link Services Implementation project manager and is now running at full speed to implement all the actions described in DP 2016.

Wednesday 8 March
11:45 – 12:45 SESAR Deployment
SESAR is a reality today, bringing bene ts to EU passengers. Over 26 ATM modernisation projects are already implemented and hundreds are being coordinated all over Europe. The updated Deployment Programme sets out the guidelines on what has to be implemented where, why and by when to reach the goals of the SES. Involving all aviation stakeholders is key.

Thursday 9 March
12:45 – 13:30 SESAR Calls
In order to support the timely and ef cient implementation of the SES, a number of calls for projects have or are being launched within the framework of EU funding mechanisms and SESAR with the intention to nancially support a wide variety of ATM modernisation projects in Europe. Get the latest on what has been invested so far and has resulted in concrete bene ts for EU aviation and what is planned as future investments. Discover how these investments are managed and what the different funding opportunities are.