Newsflash: 400 million euro to support SESAR deployment
On 13 October, the INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) launched the “2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposals” which includes a budget of 400 million euro to support SESAR deployment.
Submitting your project
In accordance with the roadmap presented at the CEF 2016 Transport Calls for proposals sneak preview, your first draft of Implementation Project description shall be submitted to the SDM by 3/11/2016, 17:00 CET.
As many stakeholders have requested to benefit from maximum flexibility during the first round, in particular to facilitate exchanges with potential other partners, the SDM decided to run the first round on the basis of an Excel IP template.
Therefore, the first draft of your candidate IPs shall be submitted using the Excel IP template below. Specific guidelines are provided to support you when filling in this Excel IP template.
However, from the second round onwards, you will be requested to consolidate your candidate IPs into the STAR tool. By 21st October, together with the general guidelines for 2016 CEF calls preparation, the SDM will provide you with another specific guidelines to ease your migration from Excel to STAR tool.
SDM hopes that this stepwise approach towards full use of STAR for 2016 CEF Calls proposals preparation will meet your expectations whilst confirming STAR as the IT bridge between SDM and the Implementing Partners.
Please note that any Implementation project submitted behind the deadline of the 3rd of November will not be accepted for the subsequent phases of the CEF Transport call for proposal preparation.
SDM support in proposal preparation and detailed roadmap for the 2016 CEF Transport call for proposals will be available by 21st October and presented in occasion of the SDM 2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals Launch Event on 27th October.
The main technical driver for this call is the Deployment Programme developed by SDM in wide consultation with ATM stakeholders.
The Call indicates that priority will be given to the projects addressing the following families identified in the Deployment Programme:
1.1.2: AMAN (Arrival Manager) upgrade to include extended Horizon function;
1.2.3: RNP1 (Required Navigation Performance) operations in high-density TMAs (Terminal Control Areas) ground capabilities;
2.2.1: A-SMGCS Levels 1 and 2 (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System);
2.4.1: A-SMGCS routing and planning functions;
2.5.1: Airport safety nets associated with A-SMGCS (Level 2);
2.5.2: Aircraft and vehicle systems contributing to airport safety nets;
3.2.1: Upgrade of AATM systems (NM, ANSPs, AUs) to support Direct Routings (DCTs) and Free Routing Airspace (FRA);
3.2.4: Implement free route airspace;
4.2.2: Interactive rolling Network Operations Plan (NOP)
5.1.2: New PENS – Future Pan-European Network Service;
5.1.3: Common SWIM (System Wide Information Management) infrastructure components.
On top of these 11 families, there is a strong focus on Data Link Services (DLS) in this call which also refers to the DLS Recovery Plan developed by SDM at the request of the EC for the purpose of this specific Call, in accordance with the DLS Implementation Strategy towards Initial Trajectory Information Sharing embedded into the DP.
The indicative financial envelope that is made available for the implementation of the recovery plan is maximum 30% of the to be budget allocated to the implementation of the PCP within this Call.
The call is split into a general (300 million euro) and a cohesion (100 million) envelope.
Indicatively, 80% of the funding available under Priority “Single European Sky – SESAR” will be dedicated to projects selected under the Common Projects category (Category 1), both under general and cohesion envelopes. However, the final allocation of funding may be adjusted between Common Projects (Category 1) and Other Projects (Category 2) depending on the actual funding needs of the selected proposals, while giving priority to the implementation of Common Projects.
SDM as coordinator
For the Category 1, the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) is to act as coordinator in each cluster of projects (or action). Applicants who are awarded a grant under Category 1 of this call and are not partners in the SESAR Deployment Framework Partnership will be required to join the SESAR Deployment Framework Partnership, as partners, by signing the Framework Partnership Agreement before being able to sign the Specific Grant Agreements covering their projects.
Applicants under Category 1 must coordinate their applications with the SDM who shall perform a screening of these applications to assess their relevance to Pilot Common Project implementation, compliance with DP and the priorities indicated in this call. For this purpose the above-mentioned applicants shall provide the SDM through IP description with all the necessary information that it requires to ensure coherence and effective coordination of the projects in accordance with the DP. Based on this assessment, the SDM may advise the applicants to revise their applications or to submit them under the Category 2.
More info
SESAR Deployment Manager 2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals Launch Event
Full text of the CEF Transport 2016 Call
General Call:
Cohesion Call:
In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.