New SESAR Deployment Programme soon to be consulted with the ATM stakeholders
SESAR Deployment Manager will translate the CP1 regulation into the brand new SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 (SDP 2021). After its entry into force, compliance to the requirements and target dates of the CP1 regulation from Member States and local ATM stakeholders is expected through the deployment of ATM functionalities. With this in mind, the SDP 2021 is elaborated with the aim to provide a concrete implementation manual related to ATM modernisation to guide operational stakeholders on what has to be done, how, where and by when, ensuring the adherence to CP1 requirements.
The elaboration of the SDP 2021 is directly in line with the responsibilities of the SDM function, ensuring the smooth coordination and continuation of ATM modernisation in 2021 and beyond, hand in hand with the relevant civil and military local, regional and European-wide ATM stakeholders implementing SESAR deployment projects. SDM provides this fundamental common frame of reference to its Implementing Partners to ensure the optimisation and synchronisation of their deployment activities, in adherence with the CP1 regulation, identifying the activities to be performed as well the most appropriate timeline and sequencing for their performance, supporting the definition of the most suitable common approach to achieve the requirements set up by CP1, and finally ensuring the commitment of all ATM stakeholders in the synchronisation of ATM modernisation within the framework of the European Green Deal for a more environmentally sustainable aviation industry.
The SDM will release the updated proposal for the SESAR Deployment Programme edition 2021 and its guidance material, namely the SDP Planning View 2021 by the end of July 2021 to the European Commission.
Both documents will be fully consulted with operational stakeholders through the Stakeholder Consultation Platform (SCP) and with the Cooperative Arrangements partners, securing the buy-in and consensus amongst stakeholders, a requirement to invest and implement the Common Projects. The SDP 2021 and PV 2021 will go through the consultation phase from mid-March 2021 to mid-July 2021, for a timely delivery to the European Commission at the end of July. They will serve as a foundation for the successful implementation of CP1, continuing the ongoing journey of ATM modernisation and digitalisation to which SESAR Deployment Manager function contributes next to the other involved organisations.