"Hard to find a better success story of EU industry & public institution cooperation"
During the session on Aviation “Building tomorrow’s innovative air traffic system” held at TENT-T days today in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Director General of DG Move Mr Henrik Hololei stated that ‘it is hard to find a better success story of EU industry & public institution cooperation when you know SESAR’. In his closing notes he also mentioned that putting the industry in the driving seat of SESAR deployment has been the right decision.
It was a great first ever aviation session under TEN – T days and it is now a “must have” for future TEN – T Days.
SESAR Deployment Manager thanks the speakers, panelists and participants.
(picture from left to right) Kornél Szepessy (Chief Executive Officer HungaroControl) – Nicolas Warinsko – General Manager of the SESAR Deployment Manager – Dirk Beckers (Director Innovation and Networks Executive Agency – INEA) – Henrik Hololei (Director General of DG MOVE) – Marian-Jean Marinescu (Member of the European Parliament) – Christophe Vivier (European Defence Agency Head of the Single European Sky/SESAR) – Zmago Skobir (Managing Director Ljubljana Airport) – Peter Bellew (Chief Operating Officer Ryanair)

The 2 remaining days of the TEN – T days, SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR Joint Undertaking were represented in a SESAR stand under the umbrella of the EC and showcasing the interactive SESAR tools.
View all pictures by clicking here.
All info on SESAR’s participation to the event can be found by clicking here.
About the Ten-T Days – Connecting Europe
European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc is inviting Ministers, Members of the European Parliament and key stakeholders to Ljubljana to discuss how to contribute to smart, sustainable and safe Mobility, relying on the trans-European transport network and investments in transport connectivity.
The TEN-T days will also host a dedicated idea lab to allow young European entrepreneurs and companies to showcase innovative mobility solutions. There will also be an Inter-Institutional meeting to discuss further synergies between transport, energy and digital connectivity, and the investment support with highest EU value-added in the post-2020 framework. Among the high-level events, there will be Ministerial sessions with Western Balkan and Southern Mediterranean countries.
TEN-T Days 2018
25-27 April 2018
Ljubljana – Slovenia