ENAIRE successfully completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project "Fulfillment of the prerequisite EFS for the PCP AF2 Subfunctionality: Airport Integration and Throughput (2017-2019)"
Congratulations to ENAIRE for completing the operational validation towards the implementation of Electronic Flight-Strips (EFS). EFS will bring improvements, amongst other elements, on the enhancement of information integration with advanced tools and facilitate data input. This was achieved thanks to the completion of SESAR deployment implementation project 2015_212_AF2, delivering PCP elements for the three Spanish Airports in PCP scope under SDP Family 2.1.2 “Electronic Flight Strips (EFS)”
This Implementation Project is the successor of another SESAR Deployment Manager coordinated IP from ENAIRE already concluded in 2017, namely the IP #057AF2a “Fulfilment of the prerequisite EFS for the PCP AF2 Subfunctionality: Airport Integration and Throughput (2014-2016)”. Both projects are expected to provide 15 million euros of savings by 2030, thanks to the reduction of time, fuel and CO2 emissions.