ENAIRE successfully completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project - Implementation of an IP-based G/G/ communication network in ENAIRE
Congratulations to the Spanish ANSP ENAIRE for the successful implementation and operation of the SESAR Deployment Implementation Project #059AF5 Internet Protocol-based Ground-Ground data communication network, ensuring the interconnectivity between ENAIRE Air Traffic Services Units and stakeholders, according to SWIM principles. The completion of this SESAR deployment implementation project brings benefits to European aviation, delivering PCP elements under the SDP Family 5.2.1 - Stakeholder Internet Protocol Compliance. The implementation project is part of a thread of two initiatives coordinated by SDM. They are facilitators of additional SWIM-related initiatives, which already decrease communication costs, expecting to save 25 million euros until 2030. SDM will perform the Cost-Benefit Analysis after one year in operation, positive that the expected impact will be confirmed.