Draft Deployment Programme Version 1 available for consultation
The Draft Deployment Programme Version 1 (draft DP v1) is available for consultation within the Stakeholders’ Consultation Platform (SCP) as from 15th of May 2015:
This draft has been specifically developed to support operational stakeholders’ consultation through the SCP, raising mutual awareness and triggering constructive exchanges during the consultation period.
Consultation of operational stakeholders will take place solely via the SCP. Invitations to join the SCP were published on this website in March 2015. The set-up process is now completed and the SCP has already started its work.
Any operational stakeholders impacted by PCP implementation who are not already represented through one of the members in the SCP and wish to contribute to consultation, are invited to urgently get in touch with one of the following points of contact within the SESAR Deployment Manger for further information:
Jakub Kepa, Civil Air Navigation Service Providers Liaison Officer: [email protected]
Luc Laveyne, Civil Airport Operators Liaison Officer: [email protected]
Marita Lintener, Civil Airspace Users Liaison Officer: [email protected]
Anna Weszelits, Stakeholders’ Consultation Platform Manager: [email protected]
Servane Woff-Lhuissier, Cooperative Arrangements Manager: [email protected]
To outline the most important aspects of DP v1 and the consultation process, SESAR Deployment Manager has developed an animated video:
“Introducing SESAR Deployment Programme Version 1” which you can watch here: