2017 CEF TRANSPORT BLENDING CALL: deadline for presenting your proposal is 12 April
The 2017 CEF Transport Blending Calls for Proposals is an innovative approach to grant funding, seeking to increase the participation of private sector investments in trans-European transport infrastructure financing as an alternative or complement to the traditional grant funding from the European Commission.40 Million euro out of 1 billion euro is the budget made available for the funding objective 3 Single European Sky – SESAR.
As SESAR Deployment Manager is the project coordinator for all project proposals falling under category 1 Common Projects within Funding Objective Single European Sky – SESAR, we kindly remind you as a potential project partner that the final deadline date to present your project description to SDM is 12 April 2017 00:00 CET in order to be able to benefit from our coordination.
Projects presented after this deadline will not be taken into consideration.
In line with our first communication sent on the 2nd of March, please note that the IP Description should be provided thought the IP template prepared by SDM and made available for you:
Please note that all fields of the template should be properly filled in since it will be the basis for the elaboration of the Proposals Application Forms. The first draft should be sent on the dedicated email address [email protected] by 12th of April. For your convenience we also attached herewith the roadmap for the entire process and we would like to stress the importance of meeting all intermediate deadlines for the successful and timely submission by the 14th of July (first cut – off date as per INEA Call for Proposal).
If you have any questions regarding the 2017 CEF Transport Blending Call,
please contact us at [email protected]