2015 CEF Transport Info Day – 30 November 2015
2015 CEF Transport Info Day – 30 November 2015
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) will organise a Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport Info Day on Monday 30 November 2015 at the Charlemagne building in Brussels, Belgium.
The event will address the priorities of the 2015 CEF Transport Calls, expected to be opened by the beginning of November 2015.
The aim of the Info Day is to allow prospective applicants for these Calls to gather all the available information which they will be able to use in the preparation of their proposal. Furthermore, participants will be able to interact directly with Agency and European Commission staff as well as with fellow perspective CEF stakeholders.
Registrations to this event will only be possible through a special page of the Agency’s website, and will open later during the month of October. The draft agenda and further information will be available soon on the event’s page.
Interested stakeholders are advised to regularly check the INEA website for updates.