Full theatre programme DAY TWO - 09 March

09:30 – 10:00: ATCO Licensing and Training roadmap/vision 

Coordinated by: Luca Capoferri & Janet Northcote (EASA)​


Speaker: EASA​

10:15 – 10:45: Summer 2023 - Network Challenges 

Coordinated by: EUROCONTROL ​


Looking ahead to the challenges expected in the Network for Summer Season ’23 – with supporting information for how the various stakeholders can help, and early proposals for mitigations. ​

There will also be a small ending portion on the New Ops Centre and proposed scenario for transition.​


  • Steven Moore, Head ATM Network Operations Division, EUROCONTROL​

11:00 - 12:00: Panel debate: Civil-military collaboration, let’s be innovative and more ambitious 

Coordinated by: Maria Peteinodou, EDA & Antonio Nogueras, EUROCONTROL​


The "new normal" in EU stemming from Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine together with the need to reform ATM in Europe in order to cope with sustained air traffic growth and operations under the safest, most cost and flight-efficient and environmentally friendly conditions, has demonstrated a clear need for a change of mind-set among all civil and military stakeholders to be innovative and more ambitious in terms of collaboration. The panel will discuss the possible actions, in the operational, regulatory and technology domains that would allow civil and military aviation to reap the full benefits of the air domain.​


  • Christophe Vivier, Head of the Single European Sky, European Defence Agency (EDA) ​

  • Jorge Pereira, Head of CNS Coordination UnitEUROCONTROL ​


  • Athanassios Tziolas, Head of Department Air Traffic, EASA​

  • Erich Klock, Head of Strategy and Technical Execution, SESAR Deployment Manager​

  • Igor Kuren, Military ATM expert, CMC Division, EUROCONTROL​

  • Stephen Hanson, Aerospace Planning and Security, Aerospace Capabilities Defence Investment Division, NATO ​

  • Vicente de Frutos, Project Officer SESAR implementation, European Defence Agency (EDA)​

  • Robin Garrity, Senior External Affairs Officer, SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking

12:15 – 12:45: Future & long-term comms infrastructure 

Coordinated by: Cliff van Craen and Thomas Koerber, SDM​


This session will feature discussions on: ​

  • the driver for the increase of air/ground communication demand​

  • Airspace Users’ view​

  • ANSPs’ view​

  • Potential technological solutions​


  • Thomas Koerber, Transversal Expert, SESAR Deployment Manager​


  • Jörg Pikolin, Head of Group ATM Development, Capt. A320, Lufthansa Group ​

  • Viktor Jagasits, ATCO and Datalink expert, EUROCONTROL MUAC  ​

  • Ruben Flohr, ATM Expert, architecture & systems engineering, SESAR 3 JU ​

  • Jacky Pouzet, Head of Communication and Frequency Coordination, EUROCONTROL ​

​13:00 – 13:45: Panel debate: Driving innovation in aviation 

Coordinated by: Laurent Renou and Eric Hoffman, EUROCONTROL Inno Hub  ​


  • How to foster innovation in Aviation? ​

  • Collaboration as a mean to accelerate Innovation?​

  • Trends, best practices, success & failure stories​


  • Laurent Renou, Head of Air Transport Innovation, EUROCONTROL​


  • Andreas Boschen, Executive Director, SESAR3 Joint Undertaking​

  • Kat Morse, Senior Manager Innovation, IATA​

  • Emanuele Calà, Vice President, Innovation & Quality, Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A​

  • Niels Lokman, Chief Operating Officer, EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Airspace Control Center 

14:00 – 14:30: Launch of ATS Common Datalink Services procurement & Drink on DSNA stand (#F25)

  • 14:00: Welcome by Master of Ceremony, at the Europe for Aviation theatre ​

  • Speech 1 [3min]: SDM – datalink ​

  • Speech 2 [3 min]: ENAV (or ENAIRE) – CoDE project​

  • Speech 3 [3 min]: EUROCONTROL DG + DNM – common procurement​

  • Speech 4 [3 min]: DSNA – ACDLS governance & objectives​

  • Group pix ​

  • 14:30-15:00           Drink on the nearby DSNA stand (F25)​

Organised by DSNA​

18 ANSPs, with SDM, ECTL, Enaire or ENAV​

14:45 – 16:00: Panel debate: CP1 is delivering

Coordinated by: Cliff van Craen, SDM​


The functionalities included in the CP1 Regulation increase the levels of automation, cyber-secure data sharing and connectivity in ATM, providing a safer, more efficient and sustainable ATM environment. Prominent examples of Projects coordinated by SDM will be provided by the operational stakeholders participating to this panel, bringing efficiency to European ATM, in the context of the SESAR deployment. Highlighting overall safety and operational improvements, next to financial benefits brought by SESAR common projects under the coordination of SDM represent an important objective of this panel. ​​


  • Ralph Schwarzendahl, Head of Performance & CBA, SESAR Deployment Manager ​


  • Marco de Sciscio, SESAR Team Leader, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport , European Commission ​

  • Bryan Jolly, Senior ATM/ANS Expert, EASA ​

  • Patrick Souchu, Programme Director SESAR, DSNA​

  • Razvan Bucuroiu, Head of Network Strategy and Development, EUROCONTROL ​

  • Jörg Pikolin, Head of ATM Development & Regulatory Affairs, Lufthansa  ​​

  • Airport ​

16:10 – 16:40: Trajectory based OPS 

Coordinated by: SJU​


In Europe, the rollout of trajectory based operations (TBO) has started. The new TBO flight plan, the eFPL, is already in use in the European network. In the TBO ATC domain, initial CPDLC applications have already been deployed for a few years and their use increases every day, and over one hundred aircraft that were equipped for the SESAR demonstrations routinely downlink the FMS trajectory. Data sharing between ground actors is also on the rise. In the SESAR programme, research is under way into the more advanced TBO features in both the network and ATC domains. ​

The aim of this session is to take a step back, to provide an overview of the concepts that underpin TBO. TBO is an evolution from the old paradigm based on a filed light plan, which cannot be changed, and tactical ATC interventions during the flight. TBO calls for full integration of flight information both in the planning and execution phases in order to create a synchronised view of flight data by all actors involved, based on timely exchange of trajectory data between all concerned actors. The session will also include an update on the joint work between the EUROCONTROL Network Manager, SDM and SJU on the Network 4D Trajectory CONOPS including the ATC-ATC exchanges evolution work in this context and on the latest evolutions related to FF-ICE implementation. ​


  • Alain Siebert, Chief Economist & Master Planning, SESAR 3 JU​


  • Olivia Nuñez, ATM Expert, SESAR 3 JU​

  • Razvan Bucuroiu, Head of Network Strategy and Development, Network Manager, EUROCONTROL ​

  • Magnus Molbaek, SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM)​​​

​16:45 – 17:30: U-space for drones 

Coordinated by: Antonija Katusic, EUSPA​


Moderator: Carmen Aguilera, Head of section Operational Market Development and critical applications, EUSPA​

Speakers (2 or 3)​