Workshop European Aviation Common Public key infrastructure - EACP
Workshop European Aviation Common Public key infrastructure - EACP

Workshop European Aviation Common Public key infrastructure - EACP

29.09.2022 10:00-15:30

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We kindly invite you to a dedicated workshop on EACP on Thursday 29 September 2022. 

CP1 mandates the implementation of a European Aviation Common Public Key Infrastructure (EACP) by 31/12/2024 at the latest.

Through the Common PKI Implementation Project, which has just finalised, the first step towards EACP deployment was successfully concluded with the delivery of:

  • An EACP Trust Framework definition (governance, eligibility criteria, processes and procedures, service portfolio, …)

  • Call For Tender preparatory material (how to contract the day-to-day operations of the PKI service)

  • Guidance for users on the use EACP of services

The next step of the deployment of EACP requires the declaration of intent by stakeholders on their potential use of the EACP and their agreement on the proposed phases of EACP deployment.

This dedicated workshop will serve as means to inform you of the upcoming needed decisions from the European stakeholders (Air Navigation Service Providers, Airport Operators, Airspace Users, Meteorological Service Providers and the Military) mandated by CP1.

The workshop will also inform on the added value of the EACP and the deployment options it brings.

The workshop will be hybrid, taking place both at SESAR Deployment Manager premises and via Teams.

A detailed agenda will follow soon after the summer break.