Annual Meeting 2
30.11.2017 09:30 - 30.11.2020 16:00
This annual meeting is restricted to stakeholders involved in:
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 – Cluster 1, n° 2015-EU-TM-0193-M
09:30 – 16:00 CET
@ SESAR Deployment Manager
Avenue de Cortenbergh 120
3rd floor
1000 Brussels, Belgium
The SESAR Deployment Manager team is pleased to invite you to this Annual Meeting. One year after the Kick-off meeting of the Action, we invite you to join us for an update on the overall progress of the Action which shall finish next year in 2018 together with the next steps. And of course, for answering all your questions.
(Full agenda is provided by email to all involved stakeholders)