


From improved efficiency to greener skies - SESAR goes from research to deployment to make flying smarter and more sustainable.

SESAR delivers brings you 10 success stories that show these successes in action. The stories highlight how Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) delivers benefits to passengers, citizens, economy and environment.

These are a stories of collaboration, hard work, results and benefits delivered as one team. SESAR delivers is a joint campaign set up by SESAR Deployment Manager and SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking.

Experience SESAR delivers here (www.sesar.eu) or join #SESARdelivers on Linkedin and X. Share the stories and spread the word!

1 Short-term air traffic flow capacity measures help ATM respond to imbalances in operational demand

2 High-performing ground/ground communication secures more efficient data exchange

3 Efficient free route airspace for Europe

4 Cross-border free route airspace enables more efficient – and sustainable – flights

5 Enhanced civil / military cooperation in air traffic management

6 Synchronising departure management starts with pre-departure sequencing

7 Europe’s crowded skies require flexible use of airspace

8 Balancing demand and capacity starts with integrated information

9 Taking the network operations plan to the next level

10 Helping airports improve the efficiency of their operations

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