
Common SUR proposal (Outermost Regions)


Jan. '24OngoingDec. '28

Implementing Partners

Leader: ENAIRE
NAV Portugal
Contributor: NAV Portugal


The general objective of Work Package 4 (WP4) is to contribute to the deployment of ADS-B for the purpose of ATC surveillance in alignment with the objectives of the CNS Roadmap of the “ATM Masterplan”.

The specific objective of WP4 is to deploy ADS-B in two air navigation service providers operating in EU Outermost regions and represents a continuation of the works performed under CEF Action 2017-EU-TM- 0120-M.

ENAIRE will deploy new ADS-B ground stations in Canary Islands and Nouadhibou, areas where there is not enough coverage and integrating the ADS-B information into SACTA ATM system. The rationalisation of the surveillance network, by means of providing one surveillance layer with Mode S radar technology, and the second layer with ADS-B technology, contributes in a long term, the reduction of deployment and maintenance costs thanks to the due substitution radar sensors by ADS-B stations.

Navegacao Aerea De Portugal - Nav Portugal EPE (NAV PORTUGAL) will deploy a new single network of ground stations covering the entire Azorean archipelago, establishing processing centers in two islands which will increase reliability, and replacing the ageing systems that provide lower airspace surveillance coverage.

All the beneficiaries participating in the implementation of WP4 are committed to carrying out their tasks according to the project plan, providing inputs on technical achievements, timing, financial and administrative requirements. ENAIRE, as WP leader will ensure proper monitoring of WP4 by holding regular meetings with NAV PORTUGAL. These meetings
will focus on coordinating reporting activities, ensuring alignment among participants, identifying issues, and jointly applying mitigation actions as well as sharing experiences and best practices. SDM will also provide expertise and support to the beneficiaries on administrative, financial or technical matters, throughout the duration of the project, and coordinate any request received from CINEA/EC.

The deployment of ADS-B in outermost regions will contribute to increased safety, costs efficiency and capacity as well as lower the environmental impact of aviation by:
- enabling surveillance coverage in remote regions where conventional terrestrial surveillance is technically impossible or economically not justified, thus improving accessibility, and setting condition for more efficient use of airspace;
- enabling radar-like surveillance in lieu of conventional surveillance which is more costly to acquire and operate, thus unlocking rationalisation potential and/or improving the robustness of the surveillance infrastructure;
- enabling optimised use of the RF spectrum by alleviating the necessity to actively interrogate airborne transponders;
- providing the technical enabler for surface surveillance applications such as runway incursion prevention, reliant on the high update rate of ADS-B.

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
  • CEF Call Year: 2023
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: Yes
  • Main AF: N.A. - Out of CP1 technical scope
  • Sub AF: N.A. - Out of CP1 technical scope
  • Progress Percentage: 9%