
FF-ICE Implementation into FDPS systems of ANS CR


Jan. '24OngoingDec. '25

Implementing Partners

ANS Czech
Leader: ANS Czech


The objective of this Work Package is to implement system functions and tools allowing the FF-ICE integration into the main Flight Data Processing Systems (FDPS) “TopSky” and upgrading the FDPS “ESUP” to support FF-ICE implementation as it is defined for NMOC (Network Manager Operations Centre) area.

TopSky is the main FDPS system within ANS CR, the key assumption for correct functionality is the consumption of flight plan data where the main source is NMOC. As the CP1 regulation defines the change of format and protocol from ICAO2012/AFTN to FIXM/SWIM (FF-ICE, eFPL), TopSky must be adapted to support the FF-ICE implementation. This new message format brings new data content which opens possibilities for improved trajectory algorithms (improving of flight efficiency) and also provides useful information for the OPS (improving safety and capacity). ANS CR will implement some of these so called “use cases” in the main system.

The FDPS system “ESUP” works within ANS CR ATM system as:
- Supporting system for main FDPS system (provision of certain set of non-critical functions which are not part of main FDPS) – provision of some messages for NMOC, communication gateway for OLDI (On-Line Data Interchange) and military interface, main processing unit for LKPR (Prague Airport) related processing (CDM) and
- Fallback FDPS to provide immediate services if main system fails, provision of FDPS services for planned outages of main system.
- To provide these functions, ESUP needs to consume flight plan data, which main source is NMOC. As the CP1 regulation defines change of format and protocol from ICAO2012/AFTN to FIXM/SWIM (FF-ICE, eFPL), ESUP must be upgraded to be able to support FF-ICE implementation as it is defined for NMOC area.

The WP5 aims at achieving the following specific objectives:

- Implement SWIM communication support between TopSky and NMOC B2B. Since TopSky is a security-critical system, the B2B communication infrastructure shall be done via PENS. The communication shall support the protocols defined by NMOC B2B access (SOAP, AMQP). The implementation must comply with the NMOC B2B specifications.
- Implement access to the NMOC FF-ICE Data Publication Service to subscribe to receive FF-ICE eFPL messages for the LKAA area of interest - as defined in the B2B documentation (NM 27.0 - NM B2B Reference Manual - FFICE)
- The implementation shall support mixed mode operations – simultaneous reception and processing of B2B FIXM data inputs and existing AFTN FPL2012 inputs.
- The implementation must follow a business strategy having similar functions as in a backup system (ESUP)
- TopSky will use the new data content to improve the quality of the 4D trajectory profile
- TopSky will provide the new eFPL data to OPS (e.g., calculated Top of Climb, Top of Descent).
- Implement SWIM communication support between ESUP and NMOC B2B. As ESUP is security critical system, then B2B communication infrastructure shall be done via PENS. Communication shall support protocols defined by NMOC B2B access (SOAP, AMQP). Implementation shall be compliant with NMOC B2B specifications.
- Implement access to NMOC FF-ICE Data Publication service, to be able to subscribe reception of FF-ICE eFPL messages for LKAA area of interest - as defined in B2B documentation (NM 27.0 - NM B2B Reference Manual - FFICE)
- Implement access to NMOC Notification service to be able to provide to NMOC with updates (departure and arrival information) – as defined in NMOC B2B documentation (NM 27.0 - NM B2B Reference Manual - Flight)
- Implement access to NMOC B2B to be able to receive ATFCM data as defined in NMOC B2B documentation (NM 27.0 - NM B2B Reference Manual - Flight)
- The implementation shall support mixed mode operations – simultaneous reception and processing B2B FIXM data inputs and existing AFTN FPL2012 inputs. It shall be on-line modifiable to select between both.
- The implementation shall follow the way how similar functions are implemented in main system, to be consistent from user point of view
- ESUP shall improve trajectory algorithm to be able to use performance data from FF-ICE eFPL messages of FFICE.

The WP5 aims at achieving the following results:
- Use of SWIM infrastructure as defined in CP1 regulation
- Improved FDPS services for functions based on trajectory calculation

WP5 will perform the following actions:

- TopSky and ESUP can communicate with NMOC via SWIM, based on the B2B interface defined B2B by NMOC, and the main flight plan data input will be done via SWIM (as defined in CP1)
- TopSky and ESUP can process FF-ICE eFPL data
- TopSky 4D trajectory and ESUP trajectory are enhanced by new performance data contained in FF-ICE messages
- TopSky displays a new data contained in FF-ICE messages to OPS
- The AFTN based FPL2012 interface would remain only for flight plan data which are not processed in NMOC /VFR flights, OAT traffic etc.)
- ESUP can receive ATFCM data via SWIM.

The WP is divided in the following tasks:

T5.01 - Project Management carried out by ANS CR staff.
This task aims at coordinating and monitoring the project and managing possible risks and issues.

T5.02 - TopSky System upgrade and FF-ICE integration carried out partially by ANS CR staff and 97% costs in subcontracted activities. These activities will be included in framework agreements already in place.

This task aims at upgrading TopSky system and integrating FF-ICE.
This task includes:
- preparation of required functionalities for specification;
- PENS B2B access configuration;
- factory and on-site validation tasks;
- delivery of FF-ICE eFPL subscription and local validation;
- integration tests;
- FDOs and ATSEPs training;
- on-site validation tasks, shadow operations;
- start of operational use of FF-ICE eFPL.

T5.03 - FDPS “ESUP” upgrade to support FF-ICE implementation carried out partially by ANS CR staff and 96% costs in subcontracted activities. These activities will be included in framework agreements already in place.
This task aims at upgrading of the supporting system for the main FDPS system - ESUP - to support FF-ICE implementation.
This task includes:
- detailed specification for contract;
- configuration of PENS network;
- contract preparation and signature;
- delivery of subscriptions;
- notification FF-ICE service;
- local validations;
- integration tests;
- start of operational use of FF-ICE eFPL.

Countries involved

Additional Information

  • Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
  • CEF Call Year: 2023
  • Civil/Military: Civil
  • Multistakeholder: No
  • Main AF: AF5 - Initial System Wide Information Management
  • Sub AF: S-AF 5.6 - Flight information exchange
  • Progress Percentage: 40%