This was SESAR Deployment Manager at Airspace World 2024
Dear reader,
Last week's Airspace World once again provided a great stage for meeting the aviation industry and share the latest on SESAR deployment.
SESAR Deployment Manager was proud to be part of the nine Europe for Aviation partners promoting ATM modernisation in Europe. Deployment topics and perspectives were discussed at various panel sessions, exhibits, meetings and during SESAR Walking Tours.
Geneva was also a welcome place to gather representatives of all members of the SESAR Deployment & Infrastructure Partnership (SDIP), the organisation behind SESAR Deployment Manager, for their Annual Executive Meeting. A big thank you goes out to all our members for their confirmation and renewal of their support.
We also introduced a new FACT Box at Airspace World and provided a series of new videos on the benefits being delivered by CP1, taking the example of four ideal flights across Europe, using different CP1 deployed functionalities, making ATM modernisation an operational reality.
Enjoy reading the highlights of Airspace World 2024 in this special newsletter edition!
Kind regards,
The SESAR Deployment Manager team